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Crude Oil WTI Prices and Crude Oil WTI Futures Prices

In comparison to one week ago ($70.96 per barrel), Brent oil is up 3.20%. In December 2005 the global demand for crude oil was 83.3 million barrels per day according to the International Energy Agency (IEA) and will rise further. In December 2005 the global demand for crude oil was 83.3 million barrels per day […]

Currency Carry Trade: Definition as Trading Strategy and Example

In addition, the fear of missing out (FOMO or regret avoidance) can drive traders to enter positions before undertaking enough analysis, leading to significant losses. Geopolitical risks, such as political instability, trade tensions, or changes in government policies, impact the success of carry trades. If a country experiences political unrest, a depreciation of its currency […]

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